Children who are in the 2nd grade begin preparing for their First Confession and First Communion in the Fall. Normally, First Confession takes place in January of the next year and First Communion is normally the first Sunday in May. (For example children who begin instruction in 2022 receive the sacraments in 2023.) Use the PREP registration form found here.
Seton Catholic School children prepare for Confirmation through the school during the course of their 6th grade year.
Children who go to any non-Catholic school begin preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation in the 6th grade. Older children can and often do join the group. Instruction begins in the Fall and is completed in late Spring. Use the Confirmation form found here.
Please note: All children preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation are required to participate in the Middle School Youth group. (See the Youth Ministry page)
For questions concerning First Communion or Confirmation instruction contact the Director of Faith Formation, Joe Copeck at [email protected]. For questions concerning Youth Ministry, please contact, Brandon Routt [email protected]