CONTACT Lisa Heuser | [email protected] | (859) 533-5220
Calling all those unable to attend mass because your need for care prevents it! If you have an illness, are recovering from surgery, are regaining skills through rehabilitation, are residing in a nursing home/assisted living/personal care location, or know you cannot attend mass in person for a while for any reason, let us know! Our goal is to maintain relationship with our sisters and brothers who cannot gather at Seton for worship and to help meet spiritual needs by providing Holy Communion, prayer, and socialization. If you are Carebound, either temporarily or permanently, and would like to receive Holy Communion, contact Lisa Heuser by phone or text at 859-533-5220 to request it. Spread the word so everyone knows to ask for Carebound support should the need arise!
CONTACT Lisa Heuser | [email protected] | (859) 533-5220
Trained Eucharistic ministers go to homes, hospitals and nursing homes to bring the Eucharist to those who are not able to worship with us on the weekend. Preparation and training is required and is provided.
ATTENTION those interested in taking Communion to the Carebound! Get in touch with Lisa Heuser by phone or text at 859-533-5220. Basic requirements include having completed sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation) and being in good standing in the Catholic church. Training is provided (theological & spiritual formation session, Safe Environment session.) The parish will also request a standard background check (good for 5yrs) since ministers to the Carebound enter homes and facilities where people are often vulnerable. Be the love of Christ as you transport Jesus in Holy Communion to the Carebound.